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Goals by age

All Ages:

  • Develop concept of team ·         
  • Sportsmanship ·         
  • Participation in games and practices ·         
  • Find a love of the game

Ages 5&6

  • Understand Basic Rules ·         
  • Learn how to run bases (run past first base) ·         
  • Know how outs are made ·         
  • Learn basic hitting, fielding and throwing mechanics

Ages 7&8

  • Expand knowledge of rules including  Force outs, Tagging up, Double plays ·         
  • Base running Tagging up, when to run and when not to, running on 2 outs ·        
  • Learn Strike zone ·         
  • Expand knowledge of basic mechanics ·         
  • Learn Position Play
  • Basic cut offs
  • Covering bases
  • Backing up

Ages 9&10

  • Expanded rule knowledge including Infield fly, stealing ·         
  • Pitching ·         
  • Base running including Leading, Stealing, Tagging up and sliding ·         
  • Cut-offs and relays
  • Bunting
  • 1st and 3rd situations
  • double plays
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